Tuesday, March 25, 2014

P-07 Duty: My Finest and Last CZ Purchase

CZ is one of my favorite handgun manufacturers for many reasons; mainly for me (I emphasize me because pistols are personal preference for many reasons) is the feel and shoot-ability.  The CZ just sits in my hand like they made it just for me.  I can easily put 14 out of 16 rounds within a quarter group from 50-60 feet, which is not something I can boast about my Glock 19.  Speaking of when I first purchased my Glock I thought to myself, "Wow this is one expensive handgun", as it would come to pass it would actually be one of my least.

I was able to pickup my CZ for roughly 480$ before taxes, so for 508$ I was able to get a great pistol which seemed relatively cheap at the time compared to Glock and especially Sig.  After my first trip to the range and roughly 250 rounds later something happened that in my history of owning firearms never happened before, the whites on the sights came completely off.  They literally crumbled with every shot, and by the time I finished the last 8 or so rounds there was nothing usable on the sights.  I was shocked and thought maybe I had a defective product which happens from time to time even from the more "reputable" firearms companies.

I began searching the internet for solutions or to see if anyone else had the same issue.  As it would turn out it is in fact a very common problem with P-07 pistols.  The sights are very cheaply made of plastic and what appears to be fingernail polish painted on sight pictures(of course exaggerated).  I contacted CZ to see what if anything they would do about my issue.  They offered to replace the sights with the exact same ones, which I guess is OK but really what is the point if they will do the same 300 rounds later?  I asked about metal sights and they do have them but at a very, and I mean very hefty 150$ price tag.  So now my 508$ is up to 658$ for "usable" metal sights that should be stock on a quality pistol.  Now I have surpassed the price of a Gen 4 Glock 19 and am getting very close to a Sig Saurer P226 and all just to have reliable parts on my gun.
This is why in the future I will not purchase another CZ, which i'm sure they do not care as they are very well known and utilized in other parts of the world.  For the price I can get a quality, already-from-the-factory reliable pistol that will not need to be sent back for what should be "stock" parts.  Like I said I really do love the gun.  It shoots very well, has a nice clean trigger, short reset and very accurate but at almost 700.00$ the majority of other pistols will have these features as well, without the wait.